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PHP Tip Class: Show a tool tip over words from a MySQL database

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StarStarStar 54%Total: 647 All time: 4,953 This week: 455Up
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php_tip 1.3GNU Lesser Genera...4.0HTML, Databases, Text processing


This class can be used to display tool tips over words from a MySQL database.

It takes a subject text and finds its words in a MySQL database.

The class replaces the words with HTML and Javascript to display a tool tip balloon over the words that displays information from the MySQL database associated with the words.

Picture of Ersin Güvenç
Name: Ersin Güvenç <contact>
Classes: 5 packages by
Country: Turkey Turkey
Age: 42
All time rank: 5619 in Turkey Turkey
Week rank: 214 Up6 in Turkey Turkey Up


ABOUT PHP_TIP CLASS: ************************************************* Author: Ersin Güvenç Email: Web: Location: Turkey - istanbul Version: 1.3 Date: 02.27.2008 12:13 AM Php_tip class under the LGPL license. If you want to use php_tip in your commercial software please contact me. ************************************************* INSTALL: 1- Create a mysql database 2- Load data.sql 3- Set $SERVERNAME, $DATABASENAME, $USERNAME and $PASSWORD from the index.php 4- Run index.php file from your localhost. HOW TO USE: ************************************************************************************************************** <?php include "php_tip.class.php"; $tipi = new php_tip(); ?> HTML <HEAD> <?php //Print css data between <HEAD></HEAD> tags. $tipi->tip_top($opacity='99','Arial','12px','black','bold',$padding='33px 8px 0', 'bubble.gif'); $tipi->a_link('blue', 'underline', $hover_color='red',$hover_deco='none', $hover_bg='lightyellow'); $tipi->tip_middle('Arial','12px','black','none','0 8px','bubble_filler.gif'); $tipi->tip_bottom('Arial','10px','#548912','none','3px 8px 14px','bubble.gif'); ?> </HEAD> <?PHP $subject = "<b>Weberian political sociology:</b> In some social sciences, the understanding of the defining bla bla...."; $tipi->tip($subject,'what is the', '_blank', true, '1'); ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- | | | | | Subject What is Url Limit Limit Number.(While limit=true all words shows as 1,2, or 3... times.) the word. open İf true in new all words window shows(loops) or as limit. self. elseif false same words shows many times. ?> AND LOOK AT THE HowToUse.jpg. ************************************************************************************************************** CUSTOMIZATION: YOU CAN CUSTOMIZE BALLOON TIP with a graphic editor like fireworks. -Open edit_bubble_filler.png and bubble.png and edit this files. ABOUT VERSION: version 1.1 : Added word show limit. You can control word show time with word_limit. Version 1.2: Word boundary problem fixed. Added ballon_table_width for opera and mozilla browsers. tip_balloon.js edited. (Thanks Ajay Chadha for report this bugs.) data.sql updated. version 1.3: Deleted all .js files. Added .gif based css tooltip.

Screenshots (1)  
  • NewScreenShot
  Files folder image Files (10)  
File Role Description
Image file bubble.gif Icon Css tooltip background image
Image file bubble_filler.gif Icon Css tooltip middle-back image
Image file edit_bubble.png Icon Editable png version
Image file edit_bubble_filler.png Icon Editable png version
Plain text file README.txt Doc. doc file
Plain text file php_tip.class.php Class file
Plain text file data.sql Data mysql data
Plain text file index.php Example php file
Image file HowToUse Icon Look at How To Use Php_tip

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